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What is meditation?

Updated: Apr 1, 2021

What is meditation?

Like we train our body by doing different exercises, similarly we use meditation to train our mind.

The common excuse?

Where is the time Smita… Guess what.. there is an old saying if you can’t find 10 minutes in the day to meditate, you probably need 20 minutes. I understand life is busy. There are commitments & responsibilities but if you can’t find 10 minutes to attend to your mind, you need to push a reset button and rework your priorities. You charge your phone and laptop every night so why not your mind?

Why meditate?

Did you know…Psychologists from Harvard University found that people spend almost 47 percent of their waking hours lost in thought. This constant mind-wandering is a direct cause of unhappiness.

Meditation helps to calm your nervous system. Through meditation, you are essentially deactivating your sympathetic nervous system and turning on the parasympathetic branch. It helps lower blood pressure, improve blood circulation, lowers heart rate, lowers stress and deepens relaxation.

If your want to start your journey in meditation get in touch with me.

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